Gallery of Activities Project with Recycle Material drawing color Art Jellyfish knowing the alphabet Making letters the city team Elimar Creating art class In Class identifying the body parts 1 identifying the body parts 2 writting lessons alphabet game English class Music lessons English class Preescolar agriculture class growing plants learning about letters Learning about numbers Math Lessos learning the vowels clase de español forming words Educación Física legos time learning about human body parts our chef Bradley learnig the days of the week coookies the team more cookies! days of the week shapes and colours learning the consonants music writing the x letter conociendo las etapas de crecimiento mejorando sus habilidades y destrezas parte de las actividades de educación física making forms with beans identifying numbers with colors aprendiendo a escribir la letra x Smile Kiony learning new vocabulary social studies individual attention Feeding our new pet Joaquina Joaquina introducing herselft musica class with new instruments Elimar high school family saying hii making empanadas our institution put on your capes heroes!